May 5, 2004

Dear Sirs, 

Attached are the results from the Protocol (Clinical Trials) that we performed with the product over the last month donated by manufacturer to the Institution. Carlos E. Dominguez Miranda, MD presented the product to the consideration of the Ryan White Board of Directors. I have been invited by the Ryan White Planning Council to present in detail this product.   Depending on the outcome, they are considering including it in the therapies covered by the Institution. This way it will become available to low income patients. I have also been approached by members of the San Juan Chapter to present the product

We need to know details for distributorship of the product to include in yearly budget. Health professionals were also included in the Protocol (Clinical Trials), which adds credibility to the results as they are very skeptical and could not dispute the results the product had on them

Expecting to hear from you soon, I remain

Respectfully yours, 

Elliot (Puerto Rico)


Dear Michael,

Thank you!!! Thank you!!! God bless you all for all the good work!!

Here is my progress report.

Liquid Manna is what they have renamed it in the U.S.

I want to preface my following testimonial by stating that for 20 years I chose natural healing processes and tried everything you can imagine.

I found that pain killers altered my mind and that I would lose myself mentally when I did try. I felt that to sustain my life and make it bearable I had to take medications. I have been taking daily 6mg. Lorazepam during the day and 30mg. Temazepam at night, Biazin 2000mg. and heparin by injection 3 times, along with a slew of natural products to build the immune system and fight off the damage of taking prescription drugs. I was told by my doctor to try anything as I could die anytime. A cold or flu could easily take me.

I do not remember feeling well as a child. I had headaches and insomnia. I had severe allergies and asthma with recurring strep throat.

I had difficulty concentrating. I have a history of seizures, staring at age 15. I am now 42 years old. My right side was frequently paralyzed; my face, arm and leg. My head was constantly being pulled down by the esophagus, where a scab or growth connecting into my inner ear had formed. My throat had collapsed on the right side. I had a severe sinus infection and lung infection. I also had a history of miscarriages and ovarian cysts. I ran a constant fever, was lightheaded and unstable. My skin had hardened and was covered by infection. Last year, I bled rectally innumerable times. I had constant diarrhea. I also suffered from distal open esophageal valve and hiatal hernia. I had ulcers in the esophagus and both internal and external hemorrhoids that bled regularly. On top of all that I had sleep disorder (sleeping only about 4 hours per day for some 5 years) and both long term and short term memory loss. Additionally, I had frequent mood swings and panic attacks. I have been housebound for 4 years. My pain was 10+ .

Today, I have no paralysis anywhere. The disease that connected my internal tissue has broken away. I can move my head freely and have no pain in my right ear. My throat is no longer collapsed. I have slept the days away. I have no panic attacks. My mood swings and my memory have improved. My fever has improved. I feel happiness again and my sense of humor has returned. I have 90% less pain. I have no sinus infection left and my lungs seem to be continuing to heal. Allergies have disappeared. I have had quite a lot of drainage vaginally-consistent with previous bursting of ovarian cyst fluid. External hemorrhoids have cleared.

It has been a few days since I stopped taking your product. It is still working in my system. I feel tired and I believe my body is still in recovery mode, but I do feel the improvement day by day.

I am going to LIVE!!! Thanks to this Liquid Gold!!!

There is no way to thank you enough!!!




Protocol (Clinical Trials) Results for the Product


Date product

Gender /
Current Health Problems

Date /
Results after taking the Product


Apr 1, 2004

(Male) - Chronic sinusitis, rheumatic fever, swollen lymph nodes, diabetes, tenia versicolor on forearms.

Apr 5, 2004
Curative crisis cleared sinuses, lymph nodes normal, tenia versicolor cleared.


Apr 5, 2004

(Female) - Anemia, frequent colds.

Apr 9, 2004
Alleges no changes.

Apr 19, 2004
Patient reports no more colds or allergies.


Apr 5, 2004

(Male) - Chronic sinusitis, rheumatic fever, shoulder pain, tenia versicolor on back.

Apr 9, 2004
Shoulder pain gone, curative crisis but sinuses continue congested, tenia versicolor almost gone.

Apr 19, 2004
Tenia versicolor gone, MRI scheduled for his shoulder pain has been cancelled.


Apr 5, 2004

(Male) - Hepatitis C nephritis, diabetes, difficulty walking, congested lungs.

Apr 9, 2004
Energized, able to lift legs without pain, lungs clear, no more allergies.


Apr 5, 2004

(Male) - HIV+, diabetes

May 4, 2004
Patient reports overall sense of well being, diabetes under control, enhanced immune system, no aches and pains, patient has returned to work.


Apr 6, 2004

(Female) - Stomach cancer, lupus, osteoporosis, gastritis, acute colitis, multiple implants.

Apr 11, 2004
Energized, breathing easily, no upset stomach, normal bowel movements.

May 4, 2004
Old suppurating injuries have healed.


Apr 6, 2004

(Male) - Sarcoma cancer type III-left thigh, high cholesterol and triglycerides frequent allergies.

Apr 30, 2004
Returned from evaluation in Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL. Patient reports clean bill of health, energized and enhanced immune system proven by no more allergies.


Apr 8, 2004

(Male) - Osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, diabetes, vitiligo.

May 4, 2004
Normal blood pressure, less joint pain, diabetes under control, has suffered no colds since taking product.


Apr 12, 2004

(Female) - HIV+, recent splenectomy.

Apr 19, 2004
Energized, better digestion, no aches and pains, no allergies.


Apr 14, 2004

(Female) - HIV+, chronic sinusitis, osteoarthritis, psoriasis, tenia versicolor on upper arms.

May 4, 2004
No improvement on sinus condition, patient no longer complains of aches and pains, skin condition greatly improved although no improvement on psoriasis.


Apr 15, 2004

(Female) - HIV+, asthma, allergies, tenia versicolor on left knee, joint pain.

May 4, 2004
Curative crisis consisting of 3 day foul smelling urine, asthma, allergies and tenia versicolor cleared, patient reports 3 day pain free menstrual cycle, no aches and pains.


Apr 20, 2004

(Male) - Recent surgery, groin hernia. Previous surgery wouldn’t heal, chemical burns on forearms.

Apr 23, 2004
Surgery, chemical burns on forearms healed, old suppurating wound healed, enhanced energy levels.

July 19, 2005 

Dear Sirs, 

As proven by all my attached Lab results submitted to you during the past seven months, my recuperation has been nothing short than amazing! Here’s an outline of the most relevant information: 

  1. December 22, 2004 – 280,563 HIV copies/ml
  2. February 2, 2005 – 1,420 HIV copies/ml
  3. February 28, 2005 - <400, No HIV RNA Detected; Ultrasensitive – 249 HIV copies/ml
  4. March 28, 2005 - <400, No HIV RNA Detected; Ultrasensitive – 138 HIV copies/ml
  5. April 28, 2005 - <400, No HIV RNA Detected; Ultrasensitive – 96 HIV copies/ml
  6. May 25, 2005 - <400, No HIV RNA Detected; Ultrasensitive – 111 HIV copies/ml
  7. June 22, 2005 - <400, No HIV RNA Detected; Ultrasensitive – 81 HIV copies/ml
  8. Another 6pk cycle of Liquid Manna was taken from July 14th – 19th.

At present my CD4 count is 106 which are low but my hemoglobin is at 15.3 and my platelets are 183. I feel extremely energized and healthy, I no longer suffer from joint pain and all my skin lesions have completely disappeared. 

As always, I will keep you posted on my progress. 

With the best of regards, 

Elliot (Puerto Rico)


 Dear Sirs, 

After seeing an advertisement that described the crocodile enzyme, and knowing how advanced the European countries are, I decided to try the product. After all what did I have to loose. So in March of 2003 I made my first purchase. After taking one bottle I set the remainder aside and totally forgot about everything 

In July I had a very mild stroke and eventually the doctors decided that I had to have open Heart Surgery to replace my main Aortic Valve, as it was not closing properly. However during the pre surgery testing, it was discovered that my arteries were not clogged but were less than 49%, and was not the reason for my minor stroke. Also the surgeon requested that an analysis be made to determine what the condition of nodules that were known to exist in my right lung were and what impact they would have on my impending surgery. A hospital in Philadelphia examined me and X-Rayed my lung compared previous X-Rays, and determined that the nodules had calcified, and were no threat to the impending heart surgery

So the surgeon cut my chest bones and proceeded to operate and replace my main Aortic valve and also did one small bypass. They got the artery for the bypass from my left breast. After the Surgery Blood tests showed that there was no trace of infection anywhere in my body. One week later I went home without any dressing on the scar, and about three days later I resumed my almost normal duties at our company. 

Two weeks after being released from the hospital I had a cardiac Surgeon's follow up appointment. He was astounded at the incision and the recovery that I had made, the incision was almost totally healed and there was no scab. After reviewing my surgery procedure and the operative report, he called all of the surgeons from the hospital to see this remarkable happening. After seeing the scar they all, without exception thought that the surgery was done approximately 6 months prior. None could understand how this recovery could have happened so quickly, and without any sign of infection. None of the surgeons had any explanation.

I include 
2 photos that were taken 6 weeks after the surgery was done (see below). The only explanation that I can have after reviewing everything is that the product is responsible for a infection free operationand my entire accelerated recovery. Some say the product did it some say that it couldn't have, but none can give a credible alternate explanation of how I recovered without any sign of infection so quickly

Even though I am a Forensic Investigator, I know without any exceptions that the product is protecting me. No one can convince me otherwise.

Thank you very much

L.B.Warychowski, Ph.D. P.E.

Click Photos to Enlarge



April 19, 2004 

Dear Sirs, 

For the past few years a have suffered from a terrible fungal infection on my back (Tenia Versicolor) which embarrassed me because my back had turned completely black and this prevented me from enjoying any activity which involved taking my shirt off. After taking the product I noticed that after three days, only a few brown blotches remained on my back. By day 15, my back was completely cleared of the fungal infection, and a scheduled MRI for a shoulder pain I had suffered for the past year was cancelled since the pain was also gone! 

Thank you for giving me my social life back! 

José R.
Juana Díaz, PR


Your product has cleared up my 
Psoriasis. Well let me tell you I took your product, and I have cleared up a lot I cannot believe it myself after 19 years and it was getting worse each year. I did a lot of research and found that Psoriasis is a slow growing fungus that's very resistant to normal medication but your product works. I would like to say thank you for helping me find the cure for Psoriasis

Jon Caravella


Dear Sir, I suffered from chronic sinusitis, sinus headaches and my ears were full of fluid. I took an allergy test and was diagnosis with allergies to grass, mold, trees, dust and dust mites. For five years my doctor kept prescribing anti-biotic (Amoxicillin) for the sinus problem and something to drain my ears. This only seemed to treat the symptoms and not the problem. When I coughed sometimes I would have pain in my forehead that was getting worse as time went by. One day as I was driving home from work I had a coughing fit and almost blacked out. When my vision cleared I didn't know where I was. After several minutes I was able to figure out where I was but I can tell you this really left me shaken up. I know I should have gone to the doctor as this is the signs for a stroke but I didn't think he could help me. I then received an email one day about the "product". I was a little skeptical but the more I read about it. It really made a lot of sense and I thought, what do I have to lose. I ordered a bottle and when it arrived I followed the directions and took it. At first it tasted like water and I thought I had been ripped off. But then there was a tingling sensation in my throat and a few seconds later I felt a slight burning sensation around my eyes that lasted for a few seconds then subsided. About 24 hours later my stuffed up nose, which had been clogged up for about 6 weeks cleared and I was able to breathe through my nose again. I had a deviated septum that was surgically corrected about 20 years ago and there was always a redness and swelling about my nose that never cleared up. The next day I notice what appeared to be a pimple under my nose that I opened up and some puss and fluid drained out of it and it left a hole the size of a small needle. The next day the hole was completely healed. The redness about my nose disappeared and the swelling went away. I am not sure but I think I can see more vibrant colors, like reds and yellows really stand out now. Before they were kind of dull and didn't stand out to much. I noticed that I can see more shades of green then before. My memory has improved dramatically and I think more clearly and concisely now. I feel like I had been walking around in a fog and the veil has been lifted. About ten years ago I had a hemroidectomy and had several masses removed from my anus. The doctor said it would never heal properly and that I would notice blood in my stool once in awhile, but not to get alarmed. I was uncomfortable sitting for long periods of time and always felt run down and tired. Four days after taking the "product" my bottom felt great and I felt wonderful, it has healed me and I now feel comfortable sitting for any period of time. About 6 days later I felt like I had taken amphetamines and was so full of energy I couldn't sit still. This lasted a couple of days then subsided as my body adjusted to not having to fight so many problems. My sinus' have cleared and my ears have drained. My allergies have went away and I feel great. Many problems in my body, some I was aware of and some I wasn't aware of have been eliminated. It has been two years now since I first took the "product" and my sinus have been clear ever since. I followed the recommendations to re-dose every three months for chronic problems and have never experienced any bad side effects. I drove a taxi cab for awhile, I worked the day shift, taking many sick people to the doctors office and the hospital. In the two years since taking the "product" I haven't caught a cold or been sick except one time when I got what seemed to be the flu. But I went through all the symptoms in less then 24 hours and it never really bothered me like it did before. I tell everyone I can about the "product" because it has helped me so much and improved my quality of life dramatically. I can see why the pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know about this product. It really works. Like I said before, the doctors were only treating my symptoms and not the problem. The "product" has eliminated the problems. And helped my body to heal properly. Last time I went to the doctor and had a blood test the results were perfect, liver was great, heart was great, kidneys were doing great and my cholesterol was HDL: 35, LDL: 104. One of my friends that I told about the "product" got some and took it and when he went to his doctor and they did blood work his results came back for the first time in ten years with no problems at all. He is taking medicine to lower his cholesterol and several years before he had open heart surgery to clear some blockage. He is feeling so good he has completely remodeled his house and has more energy then he did before. He is so happy with the results he is also telling all his friends and family members about it. Thank you so very much for making this product available to the people as an alternative to going to the doctor and getting more pills that only treat the symptoms and not the problem. Sincerely, Jeff Gibbon.

Testimonials Cont.

Dear sirs,

I got sick in India in 1989 and it never really could be diagnosed although experts thought it was either a retro-virusparasite or weird bacteria. Still not well but making good progress now.

Is it possible for you to rush ship me two more bottles of the product just as you did with the first bottle two weeks ago as the first bottle has begun to turn around a 14 year long illness that nothing else has helped. I am back on my feet and my doctor wants me to take two more asap. If you can, I am deeply grateful.

Best Wishes,

Jed Scott Swift
Ohio, USA


Email 1:

Thank you for the product. It truly does work miracles. When I received my one vial, I not only checked myself but others. All balanced, including my Parkinson's disease. I give thanks for your work.

Best regards,

Ruth F. Clark
Texas, USA


Email 2:

In 1990 I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Mainly I have been able to control these illnesses with Computerized Electro Dermal Screening (CEDS), vitamins and a variety of treatments from Dr. Linda Martin, DO (alternative medicine). Neuro Cranial Restructuring has been very helpful (check the internet under Dr. Dean Howell www.drdeanhowell.com).

Yesterday after Dr. Martin checked me and herself on CEDS I took the product I also I tested 4 other reliable persons and they balanced. Today I have taken no remedies for allergies, biological's, pathogens, Parkinson's or thyroid. And my tests are normal. I will continue to monitor my system, but I am very optimistic. In fact after my long struggle to live, I feel now that after discovering the product all of us are capable of being healthy and not with pharmaceutical drugs.

Best regards,

Ruth F. Clark
Texas, USA


Email 3:

The product has done its work with parasitespolaritybiological warfarevirusesbacteriaCandida and even Parkinson's disease. My guess is that these organs are still being bombarded with Geopathic Stress, Inversion Air and Atmospheric conditions, so they need a boost with alternative medicine to achieve a more normal function. Hopefully my immune system will improve. But I am not complaining. Having all the free radicals under control is amazing to me.

Tomorrow I plan to order three more of the product, one for a friend and the other two for me to keep in my refrigerator to test others as the word spreads about the help the Crocodile is giving to humanityAgain I must comment that testing with CEDS (Computerized Electro Dermal Screening) is proof that the product works. Otherwise I would not be able to furnish on site proof of success.

Best regards,

Ruth F. Clark
Texas, USA


Manna Sachet

April 28th, 2011

Hello Thomas,

I just came back to the US after a very joyful stay in Kenya doing my graduate research work.
I also had enough time to spend with my extended family and friends something I had missed dearly.

I am glad to let you know that my friend is doing well. Still on medication for HIV and although she hasn’t been able to get all the good things you had recommended, she remains hopeful that things will work out.

Honestly I can’t thank you enough for opening up a new world to me, that probably would never have known about. I am now a firm believer in holistic approach to health. I eat well and I feel good, that sluggish feeling is long gone and I am slowly losing some extra pounds I had long attributed to babies and had resigned myself to living with.

God bless,


The product is genuine and can stand up to any test made in a laboratory with the proper facilities to perform such tests.

Copyright Augustin Fuentes Alvarado